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The Best Sport Nutrition for trail running in Australia

We offer the best sports nutrition in Australia that is perfect for trail running. Nutrition for trail running plays a vital role in a runner's overall performance. Trail running requires a proper diet with a perfect balance of all the important nutrients is very important for trail running and other sports. And trail running nutrition is all about what an athlete eats before running, during the run such as electrolytes, and after a run for recovery. There are different ways of planning and maintaining sports nutrition. You will need to experiment to know what exactly works on your body. But before that, you need to know about the basics of nutrition for trail running. 


Tribe&Trail offers a range of top-performing sports nutrition in Australia. Usually, the trail running nutrition are carbohydrates and electrolytes that are consumed during the run for instant energy and endurance boost. Fats and proteins are usually consumed before and after the run because these nutrients take time to break down to produce energy. This type of sports nutrition for trail running is perfect for training, preparation, and recovery.

Why is sports nutrition for trail running important?

The number of calories that you will be consuming would depend on the length of time of your trail run. If you are going on a run of less than an hour, then you don't need to consume anything other than water. If your run for more than an hour, then you need to consume 200 to 300 calories, in the form of small carbohydrate-rich snacks like gels, chews, and sports drinks. Sports nutrition for trail running depends on the timing and the calorie intake.


Electrolytes are the most important trail running nutrition that improves your physical performance by efficiently using your muscles, keeping you hydrated. Don't forget to check out our collection of the best sports nutrition in Australia including electrolytes, carbohydrates gels, and other running nutritions.


Let us take a look at the role of each nutrient and how it influences our performance while running.


Glycogen is derived from eating carbohydrates is a very important source of energy for the body while you run. It is stored in the muscle and is easily accessible as a source of efficient energy. Athletes usually consume loads of carbs a night before their run in order to start their run fully energized. Therefore, carbohydrates are one of the most imporant sports nutrition for trail running that should be taken before the run

Our body burns glycogen very quickly and you might need midrun snacks. We have got a collection of midrun snacks that are loaded with carbohydrates, like energy bars, gels, and chews. Carbohydrates are a very important part of running and sports nutrition in Australia.



Protein and Fats

In nutrition for trail running, fats and proteins are the nutrients which are usually consumed after and before the run. Because these nutrients take time to produce energy inside the body. Fats take longer to break down the carbs, so your body needs time to digest these nutrients. In running nutrition fats and protein are important components.

Protein and fats should be a part of your everyday diet. Protein helps in your post-run recovery plan. Your muscles break down when you run and protein plays a vital role in muscle recovery. Most runners consume protein and carbohydrate-rich food 2 to 3 hrs after a run. Eating a small amount of protein while on a run will help in quick muscle recovery.



Nutrition Plan for trail running - What type of running nutrition should you take before, during, and after a run?

Carbohydrates, fats, and protein are the main nutrients for a runner's diet in running nutrition. But it is also important to know the timing of consuming each nutrient and which foods are the best source for these nutrients.

Nutrition for trail running such as carbohydrates are taken a night before the run. You should consume food that is rich in carbohydrates and low in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. For example pasta, bread, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Avoid food that irritates your stomach and can cause issues.


In the morning few hours before the run, you should eat mostly carbs to boost your energy levels. You can eat oatmeal, peanut butter, and granola with berries.

During the run, you should eat easily digested carbs and sugars for the most energy. Some great sources for these nutrients are energy gels, energy chews, fresh fruits, and liquid drinks. And after the run, you must consume fish, lean meat, eggs, and beans for muscle recovery.

Tribe&Trail offer the best sports nutrition in Australia and our collection of top-performing running nutritions will be perfect for your diet plan. The perfect diet and sufficient nutrition is the key which unlocks your performance and if you following the guidelines of sports nutrition suitable for trail running, then your performance is going to improve dramaticaly.